How far do you travel to Cater?
We will travel within 75 kms from our home base in Peterborough, Ontario. We will travel further but price is determined on an individual basis. (up to 25 km travel is included in you base price. After that it $2 per km) So just put Peterborough ON into google maps with your location and that will tell you if we come to your location.
We are interested in booking you for our event, are we able to try the pizza first?
You bet! We’d love to have you try them at any of our scheduled public events. Please let us know ahead of time that you will be stopping by so we can plan appropriately!
Will you come if there are only 20 guests?
Glad you ask… We will come but our base price is still $750.
What is the cancellation policy?
Once you have made a deposit your booking is considered accepted. If you cancel, the deposit is forfeited, as that helps offset the cost of losing the date we could have offered to someone else.